Lake Monsters LC Lacrosse Team Apparel Store
Putting the players first has always been the focus of the Lake Monsters LC, and that’s why they operate as a non-profit organization with volunteer lacrosse coaches from their community. Structuring their program this way allows them to keep the cost of playing lacrosse low within their area and promote the growth of the sport. Finding every way possible to get more money to the Lake Monsters LC without getting any more from the players is the goal every single season, but this next year is a whole
Now, as a part of the Signature Partner Program, the Lake Monsters LC have their very own custom lacrosse apparel store that helps fundraise for their program. Each time you shop at the Lake Monsters custom lacrosse store, you send fundraising cash back to their program to help keep costs low and improve their operation. You also get access to exclusive Lake Monsters LC lacrosse apparel and gear that’s only available in their custom lacrosse apparel store. And the advantages of the new Lake Monsters LC lacrosse store don’t stop there.
Lake Monsters LC Custom Lacrosse Apparel & Gear
Getting the newest and freshest Lake Monsters LC lacrosse gear has never been easier now that they’re a part of the Signature Partner Program and have access to made in the USA custom lacrosse apparel. This keeps shipping costs down, allows the players or fans the chance to have their orders shipped directly to them, and reduces the time it takes to get that order to your doorstep. The custom Lake Monsters LC lacrosse apparel has a turnaround time that’s lightning fast and helps the team avoid having to do a yearly apparel handout day.